4 Biggest Reasons Why your Online Course Launch Failed

Had your online course launch flop? Then read on to find out the 4 biggest reasons why your online course launch might have failed. I see these mistakes all the time which keep you on a treadmill of constantly creating… always questioning what’s wrong with you, and feeling like you’re never winning. Before you throw your online course in the trash… try to troubleshoot if it’s one of these three things first.   

Warning: Don't throw your online course out just yet!

Because it might be fixable—and... with a few easy tweaks, your online course could change your entire life. Check the list below to see if any of these might be the reason your online course isn't achieving the results you want and let me know which one resonates with you the most.—  
  1. You didn’t validate your product demand BEFORE you launched.

How you do this looks different depending on your business, but you have to create a product that solves one problem, for one type of person.. that they desperately want a solution for and check there's demand for it. Otherwise, it will probably flop. It's actually crucial to ensure there is demand for your product or service before you launch it - within our Launch Easy Life Launch Method we call this the Ascertain Launch - and you essentially do this by pre-selling with a limited number of spaces, the program you’re looking to create. The problem with just pre-asking your audience if this is something they’d be interested in vs pre-selling is that people will always say YES, but rarely follow through. People are people-pleasers at heart - so the only true way to ensure there is demand for our product or service is to conduct a quick and easy Ascertain launch (there are a few ways to do that).  
  1. The first launch flopped so you just gave up.

Sometimes the first launch requires so many moving pieces, it's hard to create it all, especially if you’re building your business in the margins of naptimes and 9-5’s - so cut yourself some slack. Sometimes when you're pivoting a new offer, your customers need to adjust (especially if you're moving from 1:1 to online courses). Something I want you to remember is that the majority of people and products don’t start being remarkable… they become remarkable through many live iterations, that slowly improve, one metric at a time.  
  1. There was no prelaunch.

Launching isn't just opening the doors and instantly people buy… likewise it’s not just about having programs and products on your website and people will just come, decide they want it and buy... a decent launch (which doesn't have to be time-consuming by the way) strategically builds anticipation in 30 - 60 days prior to your launch so your audience is excited to buy. It asks them the right questions and gets them into the right frame of mind, and builds anticipation and excitement prior to your doors opening.  
  1. You didn’t have a sales problem, you had a visibility problem.

So this is a major, and one of the biggest issues I see anyone with an online business has. It’s not that anything sucked, you just didn’t get enough people to see your offer. You need to be constantly attracting people to the top of your funnel and have enough of an audience to sell to. The average sales page converts at 1 - 5%... so if you want to make 5 sales, you want 100 - 500 people to view your sales page. This is where knowing your numbers can not only help you achieve more but help you set appropriate goals too. So, did one or any of this stand out to you? Reach out to me on Instagram @launcheasylife if you need some help getting your online course off the ground and creating sales while you sleep (in an easy and sustainable way). Let’s get your online course off to the races!