5 things I’ve stopped doing in my business

There’s been several points in my business when I’ve realised that if nothing changes, nothing changes, the market has evolved and so have I. So what are five things I used to do or say in my business that I no longer do? This is what I’m diving into in today’s podcast. Tune in to listen to the full details. 1. Editing and uploading my podcast Pretty much the FIRST thing I stopped doing in my business was editing and uploading my podcast. As much as I wanted my podcast to be something that happened once every two weeks (that was all I felt I could muster) - the reality was that by the time I’d recorded and edited the podcast - it was only going out in reality about once every 3 - 4 weeks. It was radically inconsistent. One day a listener who happened to be a radio editor reached out to me in the DM’s and offered me a price off the bat to edit my podcast (first she offered a price for an audit which I accepted). It felt terrifying at the time that I’d sign up to a regular expense in my business (that was substantial - prior to that probably the most I was committing to on a monthly basis was about $30, but now I was all of a sudden investing mid hundreds of dollars each month - and feeling like I needed to uplevel to ensure I could meet (and obviously exceed) that expense. I would now never go back to self- editing and uploading my podcast. I usually batch my epsiodes monthly, and it looks like spending a few hours separating tasks and doing them in chunks (creating titles/ideas, writing notes, recording etc) and then I upload them into Google Drive and one of my team does the rest. It was that consistency that allowed the podcast to become something that happened weekly without fail, and then grew to more than 1 million downloads (and counting) 2. Cancelling 1:1 To be honest - I still believe a signature hero program that is time-leveraged is what will set you free and should provide you with the bulk of your revenue in your business so you’re not chained to your desk but where you have that - there’s scope for your 1:1 services to become a premium offering. When I was only running my business for 6 hours per week, any kind of 1:1 services weren’t really feasible, but now that I’m working approx 16 hours per week, there’s scope for me to include a limited amount of bespoke and premium consulting work into my schedule - although this is still very much behind the scenes and not something I actively promote. 3. Low ticket memberships I’ve had low ticket memberships twice now and each ran for about one year. While our second membership was quite successful - we reached 100 members within 4 months, I have found low ticket memberships to be both hard and draining on multiple levels. They’re like business level 10 in terms of the skill and energy you need to have in order to run them, and as someone who prioritises freedom in my business, I don’t have the capacity to focus on so much intake and then churn in order to make my membership successful. I’d much rather have (and do) a signature online program that I could then split into 3, 6 or 12 monthly repayments in order to bring in recurring revenue. I also speak more about my thoughts on memberships in this article 4. Reporting Part of becoming a CEO in your business and really becoming financially viable is being on top of your numbers, yet it was something that would always fall by the wayside. It’s so incredibly important, if you want to become a multi-six and seven figure entrepreneur - to be on top of your revenue (not just monthly or quarterly - but weekly and daily) and your other numbers to ensure you’re meeting your targets. This is something I have now outsourced in my business and will continue to do so as time goes on. Every Monday, one of my team fills out this data and then I have the ability to go through during the week and see where we’re at, with other reporting completed every month too. 5. Emails Just like reporting, emails was something I so desperately wanted to be on top of, but wasn’t - that I’ve now outsourced. As much as I tried to create rules and unsubscribe from things, I receive so many cold pitches and other emails that I was struggling to consistently keep on top of them. To be fair - I also think this is one of the things that’s made me successful (because I know that emails aren’t the best use of my time) - but I wanted to be on top of our support desk, and other emails so this is something that one of my team does for me. If there’s something that needs my attention, it gets created as a task in Asana and I can then go in and action from there. It’s also allowed me to remove my emails from my phone (which has been very freeing!) So these are 5 things I’ve stopped doing in my business as I’ve hit the next level of CEO’edness and grown. There's one question I've been asked more than anything else and it's this... Robyn, how do you get SO much done in such a short period of time? Because - I've never had the luxury of being able to get my business up and running in 40 - 60 hour weeks - it's ALL been between naptimes, a 9-5 or the school run - and... from my second year in business and ever since - we've had six figures + Well - this is it!  I've put together for you my entire weekly work schedule, my to-do list and everything I do in my business to help give you the tips, insights and strategies to help you thrive as a business owner in part-time hours. It's called 16 hour CEO and it's a value-packed PDF that takes you behind the scenes in my business. Want a copy? It's totally free and it's at launcheasylife.com/ceo

Meet your host, Robyn Birkin

I'm the go-to consultant for women who believe it's possible to earn more, while doing less.

My superpower? Helping women in business create, launch and grow strategic and sophisticated funnels and digital programs that allow them to reclaim their time and step away from the 1:1 income ceiling and burnout. 

1 million+
podcast downloads

students + growing

6 figures
in six hours per week

25+ years
experience + qualifications

When you’re ready, here’s how we can support you in your online business:

  • Ready to get well paid while living a well lived life with a signature program? Make sure you join the waitlist for the Peace and Profit Mastermind - a six month high touch program like no other. Click here to put your name down.
  • I run a 6 figure+ business in just 16 hours per week (with big breaks for school vacation, time for me and without a big team). Steal my work week schedule and get the hour by hour breakdown of exactly what hours I work, how I structure my calls (and tasks) and how you can create your wildly successful (and fulfilling) life-first business. Click here to get the free pdf guide.
  • We grew our email list by 1,500 subscribers in just 3 weeks! Want to know exactly how? Snag our FREE CASE STUDY. Click here for all the details on how you skyrocket your email list.

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