My 2 Day Stay Experiment

I'm writing this podcast description from a hotel that I've booked for myself, as part of what I'm calling my 2 Day Stay Experiment.

Let me dive in further with you.

If you're a mama I know that you know what it's like to only have the tiniest moments of time to work in and on your business, and how sometimes there are really meaty projects and work that you want to get done but the second it hits 2.30 you have to down tools and just give up for the day.

I know what it feels like to just feel suffocated and wish for that solid creativity time and quiet with no looming clock time and to be just able to work and finish a project without worrying about when you'll have to finish.

I know how it feels when the mental load is piling up and you just want to spend a moment getting yourself organised so that you can go into the next week feeling like you're actually on top of life.

I know what it feels like to be able to want to properly execute your promotions and launches but feel like you're always existing on borrowed time.

I know what it feels like to have your content batched and how GOOD it feels to take that off your plate.

And so, in 2023 as I was reflecting and setting my intentions I took a moment to consider what I really wanted. And what I really wanted was quarterly 2 Day Stays.

Tune into today's podcast as I share:

  • Some of my intentions this year
  • How I'm creating space in my business for success
  • Why I think every mama in business needs to incorporate the 2 Day Stay Experiment into their lives and businesses
  • What I got up to and what I accomplished on my 2 day stay

Click below to listen.



Daily tips on growing your audience, impact and revenue (without sacrificing your life): @robynbirkin

Meet your host, Robyn Birkin

I'm the go-to consultant for women who believe it's possible to earn more, while doing less.

My superpower? Helping women in business create, launch and grow strategic and sophisticated funnels and digital programs that allow them to reclaim their time and step away from the 1:1 income ceiling and burnout. 

1 million+
podcast downloads

students + growing

6 figures
in six hours per week

25+ years
experience + qualifications

When you’re ready, here’s how we can support you in your online business:

  • Ready to get well paid while living a well lived life with a signature program as a health and wellness practitioner? Make sure you join the waitlist for the Peace and Profit Mastermind - a six month high touch program like no other. Click here to put your name down.
  • I run a 6 figure+ business in just 16 hours per week (with big breaks for school vacation, time for me and without a big team). Steal my work week schedule and get the hour by hour breakdown of exactly what hours I work, how I structure my calls (and tasks) and how you can create your wildly successful (and fulfilling) life-first business. Click here to get the free pdf guide.
  • We grew our email list by 1,500 subscribers in just 3 weeks! Want to know exactly how? Snag our FREE CASE STUDY. Click here for all the details on how you skyrocket your email list.
  • Want to know how to boost engagement *and* conversions through Instagram? - Grab our Likes to Leads Toolkit where we'll share with you the A to Z of how to turn your Instagram account into a 24/7 leads machine.  Click here to grab our our Likes to Leads Toolkit.

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