Sold out pilot course launch with less than 500 Instagram Followers. Here’s how

It’s my absolute pleasure to welcome to the podcast today one of my clients, Jay Hamilton who is an incredible transformation and manifestation coach supporting women to find their purpose and get out of their own way.

And she also sold out the pilot round of her signature program with just over 300 Instagram Followers.

How’d she do it? That’s exactly what we dived into in the Signature Online Course Secrets podcast today.

Jay spoke about:

  • How she came to join the Peace + Profit Mastermind (and how to apply that to big decisions you want to make in your business and life too)
  • How she maintains focus and productivity (even though she is busy AF as a step-mama, with 3 revenue streams and someone who runs ultra-marathons)
  • How she continues to always take action (and does the scary things to keep moving forward)
  • A big deep dive into limiting beliefs and how we can sometimes self-sabotage what we really want in life
  • How she sold out the pilot round of her program with relative ease (and without being super salesy) - while she was running a retreat (at 5x the OG price, and which sold out 50% of places almost immediately and completely reworking her 1:1 services into an incredibly valuable package offer)
  • A few aha moments and tips she she has learned in the last 3 months 

I’m honestly so impressed by Jay as an action taker and someone who just shows up and gets things done! She is also currently prepping for the next round of her program.

Listen now.


Jay is a certified Holistic Life Coach and Mind-Body Practitioner with a bachelor’s degree in behavioural science. She helps people who are feeling stuck in life and are ready to take that next step to rediscover who they are, what they value, identify and overcome old thought patterns and behaviours that are holding them back, to then discover what they really want and how to manifest it to live a more purposeful and goal kicking life.

Head to her website and subscribe to her newsletter

Find her on socials:


DM her to find out about her next round of her online course Path to Purpose



Daily tips on growing your audience, impact and revenue (without sacrificing your life): @robynbirkin

Meet your host, Robyn Birkin

I'm the go-to consultant for women who believe it's possible to earn more, while doing less.

My superpower? Helping women in business create, launch and grow strategic and sophisticated funnels and digital programs that allow them to reclaim their time and step away from the 1:1 income ceiling and burnout. 

1 million+
podcast downloads

students + growing

6 figures
in six hours per week

25+ years
experience + qualifications

When you’re ready, here’s how we can support you in your online business:

  • Ready to get well paid while living a well lived life with a signature program as a health and wellness practitioner? Make sure you join the waitlist for the Peace and Profit Mastermind - a six month high touch program like no other. Click here to put your name down.
  • I run a 6 figure+ business in just 16 hours per week (with big breaks for school vacation, time for me and without a big team). Steal my work week schedule and get the hour by hour breakdown of exactly what hours I work, how I structure my calls (and tasks) and how you can create your wildly successful (and fulfilling) life-first business. Click here to get the free pdf guide.
  • We grew our email list by 1,500 subscribers in just 3 weeks! Want to know exactly how? Snag our FREE CASE STUDY. Click here for all the details on how you skyrocket your email list.
  • Want to know how to boost engagement *and* conversions through Instagram? - Grab our Likes to Leads Toolkit where we'll share with you the A to Z of how to turn your Instagram account into a 24/7 leads machine.  Click here to grab our our Likes to Leads Toolkit.

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